Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The second morning in Washington DC

Just a bit from Washington DC, and then I show you the Mann Center for Performing Arts in Philadelphia, PA. Beautiful amphitheater.

And yet more from Washington DC

The end of this video shows the Wolf Trap venue where we performed on Wednesday evening. Very hot and humid! Great audience!!

Okay, the whole Washington DC mall area is enormous! We walked a lot and rode the Hop on Hop off bus. The World War II Memorial is so beautiful! Check out the ceiling of Union Station.

My first day in Washington DC

Wednesday, June 22, 2011. The weather forecast is rain, but I have learned that it doesn't usually rain on the Tabernacle Choir. My roommate, Rosanna Ungerman is my lovely tour guide and my sense of direction. Without her, I would still be in Washington DC. This is such a big place with tons to see, so watch for more videos.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Williamsburg #2

Well, the first video from Colonial Williamsburg was really long, but what a great opportunity to do a flash mob. This smaller video shows some of the other places I saw while there. I hope you enjoy it.

More to come in a day or two. :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Colonial Williamsburg

Well, did you see the Church News site and learn about the Flash Mob at Williamsburg? You can watch this video and see some of it, but the full flash mob video is at the Church News site. The weather was nice and we had our own personal tour guide: Brad Monson. He is an 8th grade American History teacher at a middle school in Provo, UT. My roommate was his principal and they met up after the Flash Mob.

Keep watching for more videos.

Monday, June 20, 2011

First day of Choir Tour

This video may not be very exciting. Travel day and first concert. Hopefully tomorrow will be more entertaining.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tabernacle Choir Tour

After singing in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for 15 years, I am going on tour with them. It will be 8 power-packed days on the East Coast of the good ole United States. I have learned how to shoot video, edit it, and post it to this blog. So, come June 20th, watch here for videos of the Taberncle Choir on tour from my perspective.